75th Anniversary Parade Invitation
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Queen Anne-Hillsboro Volunteer Fire Company invites your company to participate in our 75th Anniversary Parade on May 15, 2021. The parade will begin at 1200pm, sharp and will proceed up Main Street and conclude at the firehouse. Lineup will begin at 1100am and will be located at the intersection of Hillsboro Road and Ridgely Road. We are asking you to make your approach from Eastbound Rt.404, right onto to Hillsboro Road (Left from Westbound Rt.404). Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, there will be NO events following the parade. Once you clear the parade route, please return to your company. Trophies will be awarded via Facebook Live from the companies Facebook Page. If you would like to participate, please contact one of committee members listed below. Hope to see you there!
Craig McNeal (Parade Chairman) 443-988-2008 [email protected]
Bobby Utz 443-786-2274 [email protected]
Justin Tyson 240-419-8634 [email protected]